General Health Topics

Intro blurb about this topic.

  • Battle language such as “lost their battle with cancer” or “fighting cancer” in relation to health issues should be avoided, as it implies that life is a fight to be won, people who die from a disease did not fight hard enough to survive or only the “strong” will live.
  • Stigmatizing language should be avoided. These phrases may be as obviously offensive as “falls on deaf ears” or as subtly commonplace as saying “crazy” when you mean “wild” or “schizophrenic” when you mean vacillating between decisions. Look closely at your writing to ensure it does not contain any hidden epithets or stereotypes.
    • Reconsider the actual or perceived origins of common phrases, such as “lowest on the totem pole”; “master” to mean “head” or “primary” (“master list,” “master contract,” “master key”); “rule of thumb”; etc.
  • Victim language should be avoided. This includes not just calling someone a victim but also phrases such as “afflicted with,” “struggles with,” etc. “Lives with [issue]” or “has [issue]” is preferred.